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Selectmen's Minutes 04/09/2007

April 9, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen, Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS PRESENT:  Carolyn Dube, Carolyn Stoddard, Tracey Nangeroni, Ted Gallup, Charles Smith, Tony Bergeron, Dave Bailey, Andrew Sharpe, David Little, Richard Lee and Rhonda Gurney.


Please see copy of agenda attached to file copy of these minutes.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:05 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


A.  Review of Water Line Easement with Granliden Association, Water & Sewer Dept., Town  of New London & Tony Bergeron

To be taken up later.


Donna Nashawaty explained that the minutes of the March 26th meeting were signed at the special meeting of the Board of Selectmen held April 9th.  Therefore, there are no regular minutes to be approved this evening.  D. Nashawaty also explained the new format of the agenda where the minutes will be taken up individually instead of being included with other items to be signed such as Certificates of Compliance, driveway permits, etc.  Emma Smith stated she had some corrections for the March 26th meeting and will give these to the recording secretary.


A.  Perambulation of Town Line with Goshen

Emma Smith asked Fred Gallup if he would be the willing Selectman to do the perambulation with the Town of Goshen.  Fred Gallup said he would be willing and
Board of Selectmen
April 9, 2007

informed the Board that he received a call from Dennis Pavlik, Town Administrator of Newbury also requesting that Newbury’s line with Sunapee be done this year as well.  He also stated that there is a problem with doing a perambulation with New London as a marker needs to be replaced.  F. Gallup asked that a letter be sent to Goshen setting a possible date of the third week in May.  He would also like to know who the Selectmen of Goshen is that would be doing this and a phone number where he could contact them.


Water Line Easement

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with construction costs of the water line.  These are attached to the file copy of the minutes.  One would run along Jobs Creek and the second would have the line going across conservation land.  The second would require a 20’ wide easement from the Sunapee Conservation Commission.  NH Forests has been contacted and the project was given an okay if done within the parameters. If the line were to run across the conservation land, the cost would be less and more affordable to Granliden.   D. Nashawaty explained that if the line is run along Jobs Creek it would be able to serve more people with fire protection which would reduce insurance premiums for households along the line.  The problem is that Granliden does not have the needed funds to run the line along Jobs Creek and is asking the Towns of Sunapee and New London to assist with funding.  Donna Nashawaty read from an easement from the Town of Sunapee to the Town of New London to install and maintain New London lines on Sunapee property.  A copy of the deed is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  Fred Gallup asked the Water and Sewer Commissioners how they felt about the line and where they thought it should be placed.  Ted Gallup, Commissioner, stated that they did not have a problem with either route, but thought that placement along the road may pick up some more houses.  He also said the placement along the road would be more advantageous to the Fire Department.  Fred Gallup asked if Granliden was under any pressure from DES for the line installation.  Andrew Sharpe, engineer for Granliden, stated that they were not.  Richard Leone asked if they had checked into any grants for the project.  A. Sharpe stated that they had checked into 2 grants.  Charles Smith, Commissioner, stated that he thought the route along Jobs Creek would be easier with no hassle.  Discussion was held expressing that it was felt that any funds provided for the project by either Sunapee or New London would have to be a vote at Town Meeting.  Donna Nashawaty asked that Granliden Association present the towns with maps of both routes.   Stephen White suggested that the Water and Sewer Dept. work with Granliden and New London to come up with a presentation for the 2008 Town Meeting.  Richard Leone stated that he thought it was a good idea considering the added fire protection but thinks it should be reviewed further.  David Little, Granliden Association, will speak with the association  to ask what they wish to do.  Ted Gallup asked if any hydrants would be

Board of Selectmen
April 9, 2007

planned for Jobs Creek should this route be taken he felt this could be discussed with the Fire Chief.  Donna Nashawaty suggested that possible costs may be defrayed if Granliden works with the highway department and water and sewer department.  Tony Bergeron stated that may be a possibility in the future, but not for this budget year.  All were in agreement that this would require an article to be placed on the warrant for 2008.  This project will be discussed at budget time.


Emma Smith stated she was honored to announce that the Town of Sunapee has been awarded a grant for a Charrette from Plan NH.  The grant is worth approximately $30,000.00.  E. Smith credited the hard work of the Old Town Hall (French Livery) Committee for the receipt of the grant and added that they should be commended.  A round of applause was given for the appreciation of the committee’s hard efforts.  A letter will be written to express this.


B.  Appointments

Selectmen’s Representative to Board & Committees:

The following were made:

Planning Board          Emma Smith & Fred Gallup

Crowther Chapel         Richard Leone

Town Buildings          Stephen White

UVLSRPC                 Stephen White

Hydro Committee         William Roach

Highway Safety Committee        Fred Gallup

Escape Committee                William Roach & Fred Gallup

Board of Selectmen
April 9, 2007

Alternative Waste Study Committee:

The following were made at a term of 3 years:

Charles Balyeat, J. Anthony Bergeron, Dan Banks, John Chesson, Ronald Verblauw, Stephen White and Donna Nashawaty.

Budget Advisory Committee:

Three vacancies need filling on this committee.  The Board will check to see if anyone might be interested.  Stephen White stated that he did not think it fair that the BAC could not put their recommendations on the warrant for Town Meeting and asked D. Nashawaty to provide him with a copy of the RSA’s with regard to this.

Crowther Chapel:

There are two vacancies on this committee.  Individuals have been contacted to see if they may be interested in serving again.

Electronics Communications:

Richard Haines was reappointed.   There are two vacancies on this committee.  T. Parssinen, past member, will be asked if he would be willing to be an advisory to this committee.

Sullivan County Solid Waste Handling Committee:

Dan Banks was appointed for three years.

Water Quality Coalition Committee:

Donna Nashawaty to speak with Planning Board Chairman Peggy Chalmers to see if anyone on the Planning Board might be interested in serving.


One vacancy exists.  The trustees will be contacted to see if they approve of the gentlemen who applied for the vacancy.

The BAC and cemetery appointments will be on the next meeting’s agenda.

Board of Selectmen
April 9, 2007

C.   Intermunicipal Agreement:  Tri-Town Assessor:

Donna Nashawaty distributed copies of the annual agreement between New London, Sunapee and Newbury.  She explained that there are some changes incorporated in the agreement.  They would like to have two representatives from the community.  One Selectmen and the other a citizen.  William Roach agreed to continue to be one of the Sunapee Selectman member.  Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the new agreement for the Tri-Town Assessor as amended and dated April 9, 2007.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was 4 to 1 with William Roach abstaining.  The motion carried.  It was agreed that a citizen should be appointed by the next meeting of the Tri-Town Assessing which is scheduled for June 26th.  Richard Leone will call on some residents he thinks may be interested.

Stephen White gave a brief report of the 2007 Solid Waste Operator Conference he attended along with other interested individuals.  He said the conference was very informational and believes they came back from the conference with some good thoughts and ideas.

D.  Assistant Emergency Manager Director

Donna Nashawaty explained that she received a written request from Emergency Management Director, Howard Sargent, requesting the appointment of an Assistant Emergency Manager Director.  He recommends Thomas Perron who is very active with both fire and EMS.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to appoint Thomas Perron as the Assistant Emergency Manager.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

E.  Adoption of new job descriptions as discussed in 2007 budget and approval of Organization Chart and Pay Table with these positions included:

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with copies of the above.  She explained that the new positions were the part time payroll clerk and the full time maintenance position.  Motion was made by Stephen White to adopt the descriptions, chart and pay tables as presented.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  Update on Portable Voting Booths

Town Clerk, Betty Ramspott, is looking into purchasing some boundary markers to better control the flow of voters at elections.  It was discovered that the Town already owns some extra booths that may be used.
Board of Selectmen
April 9, 2007

B.  Expedition vs. Grown Vic for Town Use Car

Donna Nashawaty read from a letter received from the Town Mechanic, John Morse that recommended that the Town use the Crown Vic for the town vehicle and put the Expedition up.  The Water and Sewer Dept. has expressed interest in the vehicle or it could be sold at auction.  Richard Leone stated his dislike with the use of a town vehicle by personnel. Motion was made by Stephen White to sell the Expedition and use the Crown Vic for town purposes (vehicle C-1).  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.   The vote was 4 in favor and 1 opposed.  The motion carried.

C.  Update from ESCAPE Committee

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the committee was not in agreement with the funding of MRF at the county level and that the town is not interested in entering into an agreement for recycling and in fact, will not participate.  The Board agreed that a letter should be drafted for their approval to be sent to Martin Gross, the county’s attorney with cc’s to the County Commissioners, State of NH, and Superior and Supreme courts. D. Nashawaty will call Martin Gross.  Stephen White suggested that the Town’s of Grantham and Springfield also receive copies of the letter.

D.  Cable Contract Extension Requirements

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with copies of the contract with Comcast.  She stated that the town’s attorney said it was okay to sign but she would like to investigate more options.  She has requested a strand map from Comcast designating where cable service is available and would like to review this before signing.  When she receives the map, she will discuss this further with the Selectmen.

D. Nashawaty distributed copies of town counsel’s opinion on the grandfathering policy.  Town Counsel believes the policy is okay, but that this really should be addressed in the Zoning Ordinance.  This will be discussed for insertion in the 2008 Town Warrant as an amendment.

At 9:55 PM the Board entered non-public session on motion of Fred Gallup in accordance with RSA 91-A:II (a) personnel.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.

Board of Selectmen
April 9, 2007

The meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                             Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                              Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup